Green Bond

Sunndal Sparebank is the first savings bank to issue a Green Bond.

The Bank has prepared a green framework and CICERO (Center for Climate Research) has carried out an independent second-party assessment of the framework. The bank's green bond is given the best rating - Dark Green. This means that investments that the bank finances with the green bond are in line with an emission path that leads us to the low-emission society.


The green bond will finance vehicles powered 100 percent by electricity or hydrogen, as well as local hydropower plants in the bank's loan portfolio.


By issuing a green bond, Sunndal Sparebank is taking an important step towards a sustainable future. As a financial institution, we want to take a clear and active role in assessing how climate policy and climate change will affect the business models and cash flows of our corporate customers.

Grønt billån

Er du miljøbevisst og skal kjøpe deg el-bil eller hydrogenbil?


Sunndal Sparebank tar langsiktig bærekraft på alvor og skal finansiere eiendeler som bidrar til målet mot lavutslippssamfunnet.


Vi kan gi deg ekstra gunstige betingelser når du skal kjøpe en nullutslippsbil.


  • Gunstige lånebetingelser

  • Rimeligere etableringsavgift 

  • Inntil 7 års nedbetaling

Fyll ut kontaktskjemaet under for å søke om grønt billån hos Sunndal Sparebank.

Grønt Billån fra Sunndal Sparebank

Egenkapital Over 35 %

Nominell rente 6,55 %

Effektiv rente 7,53 %

Etablering 1.950 kr
Termin 65 kr
Tinglysning** 1.516 kr
Priseksempel* 300.000 kr over 5 år inkludert etablerings- og termingebyr, totalpris 358.468kr  

*Totalpris er ekskludert tinglysningsgebyr.
**Ved signering på papir og manuell tinglysning 1.516 kr.

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